How To Generate Leads On Facebook
Yet with the millions of people who log on to Facebook every day, there are few who can afford to turn their backs (according to a recent study by TechCrunch, 63% of French Internet users are now on Facebook, and 69% of them use it daily). In the current context, the legitimate question would be to consider how to maximize its presence on Facebook to generate more leads.
More fans = more leads = more customers
One of the most cited ways to generate quality leads that will be interested in the company's products and services is to increase the number of fans of your Facebook page. In fact, get a great fan community is not only good for your ego, it is also beneficial for your business! It's simple: the more your harvest page "likes" your most Reach will be strengthened by (although this is mitigated - see above) because your content will be visible through the network of friends people who have subscribed. How should therefore go about building its fan community on Facebook to get a qualified and targeted audience, the first stage of inbound marketing before the conversion of this hearing? Here are some tips:
Facebook Ads: now inevitable?
This is by far the fastest and easiest way to get fans ... but it is not free! Facebook Advertising is an excellent opportunity to connect with users who have socio-demographic characteristics of interest. In order to target the right profiles, it is essential to know your audience, their tastes and needs by establishing a standard profile called Buyer Persona (part 9 tips to improve the quality of its web content). The features from which you calibrerez Facebook Ads are:
The age group;
Level of education;
Interests and hobbies;
Once the defined profile, you will be able to find a receptive audience and interested in your content, and thus develop an effective campaign that will best serve your marketing objectives.
Read: How to launch his campaign sponsored on Facebook?
Create meaningful competition for more commitment
Many brands use the competition to attract new fans on their Facebook page, and often the results are rather mixed. While it is undeniable that these help to reach a new audience, fans gained are often not very good. For example, if you are organizing a competition to win cinema tickets and your business is absolutely not connected to this sector, you may see land a horde of "opportunists" who will liker your page just by greed (and who can blame them?) and will not hesitate to unsubscribe or block you from their news feed when complete action.
Therefore, when you have a contest, it is important to offer prices that are linked to your brand, whether one of your products or anything related in any way to your products / services and your message . This way, you de facto attract a much qualified audience and likely to become a real client.
Regarding the form of the contest, several options are available:
Print campaigns draw (great way to collect email and thus to obtain interesting leads addresses)
The user-generated content (eg photo competition featuring surfers using one of your products)
Votes (ask eg your fans to choose between two versions of your new logo)
A real content strategy dedicated
Finally, it would be completely unrealistic to seek to gain a fan base that interacts with your brand if you do not offer them content that may be of interest. Of course, for this, you first so you know who are the individuals that make up your audience and what are their interests.
So hesitate not regularly animate your community by offering a variety of content (sometimes informative, sometimes playful, etc.), whether your blog articles or external publications. And remember, as far as possible, to add visual content to your publications, they have traditionally much more impact (in terms of "likes", comments and shares) than other types of content . This is due among other things to the new version of Google's news feed, which would focus on visual publications those containing only text.
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